Our Customers

To give you an idea of the type of work we do, we’ve provided a list of some of our customers and links to their websites below:

Busck Prestressed Concrete Ltd www.busck.co.nz  – Big Gantry, New factory

Otis – www.otis.com/site/nz – Elevator servicing, maintenance and repairs

Schindler – Elevator servicing on such sites as Whangarei Gymnasium, ASB Stadium, Toll Stadium, Whangarei District Courthouse

North Health – Kitchen , Lifts

WWTP – www.wdc.govt.nz – Wastewater Treatments plants – Whangarei, Ngunguru, Oakura, Hikurangi Swamp

TDG Environmental Ltd  www.hydrotechdrainage.co.nz  – WasteWater Pump Stations

McDonalds – www.mcdonalds.co.nz – Fryers, Grills, etc

Otaika Valley Chook Farm

Kone Elevators Ltd

Cremer Lifts Ltd

And many more…

Specialists in


23D Hewlett Street Whangarei

Ph 24/7 (09) 4381227

Fax (09) 4389317

Email: info@henwood.co.nz